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  • Real Estate Parcel Shapefiles & Spatial Data Company

    Our Mission: To Simplify Access to Accurate Spatial Data

    As suppliers of spatial data, we strive for timely and accurate data. Our web interface provides one-to-one, integrated access to a multitude of government record sites and other internet based mapping platforms. Through innovation, integration, and automation, our approach of simplifying access to accurate spatial data places Real Estate Portal USA, LLC in the forefront of geospatial business technology.

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    About Us

    Covering more than 156.5 million parcels in over 3202 U.S. counties, our data architecture solves the problems associated with non-standardized parcel data between U.S. counties, regions and states. We import and derive many important parcel attributes from a variety of sources into a single national parcel database to allow for analyses at regional and national levels.

    • Through our powerful query tool, we customize and present enriched, cleaned data suitable for multi-county analysis.
    • Any search result links to a variety of fully integrated web-based mapping systems: Google StreetView or Bing Maps bird's eye view are just a click away.
    • A click on a result will jump to a pre-queried county auditor's page for full parcel detail.
    • Additional features such as environmental (Flood zones, Wetlands, & Soils) and demographic (Census blocks and groups) are just a few of the resources included in the mapping system.
    • Our real estate parcel-based geospatial data solutions also include:

    Low Cost, High Quality Parcel Data On Demand

    In addition to our ultimate goal of timely and accurate data, we work very hard to keep our overhead low through expense management and by using automated processes. These benefits are passed on to our customers in the form of economical pricing, flexible terms and the inclusion of supplemental data for one low price.

    We post key decision making information about our data on our web site. This means that anytime our customers want to know the currency, number of parcels, coverage area, exact attributes or pricing, they can visit our web site 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to obtain their answer. The visibility of the available data and pricing immediately enables our customers to make informed decisions as to whether or not the data will meet their specific needs.

    Founding of Our Spatial Data Company

    Real Estate Portal USA was founded in 2006 by Dave Fuhry, Joe Harwood, Robert McGee, & Allie Schuring. Our initial goal of hosting a regional (multi-county) internet Geographic Information System (GIS) with spatial, demographic, and CAMA databases, all normalized to a format that is accepted by a broad spectrum of industries, quickly transformed into a national parcel-based internet mapping portal. With aerial imagery and map graphics blended through intuitive searchability, our web application incorporates all types of spatial data and resources and seamlessly displays the map and information the user wants to see.

    All content © 2024 Real Estate Portal, USA. U.S. Patent No. 8,255,418. Terms of Service