The smart choice for parcel data.
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  • 99.0% Coverage,
    24/7 Availability,
    Low Cost

    ReportAll, the smart choice for parcel data downloads in the US, provides property parcel data across all 50 states in the US. ReportAll’s parcel data store is your one stop solution for low cost, immediate parcel data downloads, available 24/7, with coverage of 99.0% of all property parcels in the United States.

    With exceptional coverage our parcel shapefiles include property lines and available property attributes for over 156.5 million parcels in over 3202 U.S. counties, at last count, with instant availability whenever you require the data. And we do it at a much lower cost than traditional services because we’re technology-driven.

    Property Lines and Parcel Data Attributes for Download

    Parcel data downloads can contain up to 26 property attributes with property boundaries including APN, Land Use, School District, Market Value, Acreage, Flood Zone, Physical Address, Mailing Address, Census Tract, Census Block and more. Select the state to see the number of property attributes included by county and select the US county for a detailed list of parcel data attributes included in your parcel data download.

    Download in Shapefile Format and More

    Download instant parcel data in any of these standardized formats:

    • Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
    • CSV
    • Google Earth KMZ/KML
    • Esri Shapefile

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